Sunday, September 19, 2010

Things Overheard on Philadelphia Sports Talk Radio This Week

Some things never Change:))

Amplify’d from

With the Lions/Eagles game today, I thought it might be worth reca­pit­u­lat­ing some of the “high­lights” voiced by the fan base here. To under­stand Philadel­phia sports fans, all one has to do is remem­ber the time the hockey player Eric Lin­dros received a con­cus­sion dur­ing a game that made nearly every­one who watched it gasp.

Nearly every­one. Sports radio here pushed the fine, noble argu­ment that Lin­dros “wanted” the con­cus­sion, that he hated Philadel­phia and didn’t want to win, and that in a moment of inspired insan­ity tried to get him­self killed dur­ing a hockey game.

  • Kevin Kolb (the quar­ter­back of the Eagles) had a “con­cus­sion.” It wasn’t really a con­cus­sion, the coach pulled him for inept play [any idiot watch­ing the tape can see he got hit hard, really hard. Also: coaches rou­tinely pull play­ers for inept play with­out mak­ing excuses for them]
  • Jef­frey Lurie, the owner of the Eagles, does not really want to win a cham­pi­onship because he’s not from around here

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