Monday, September 27, 2010

Paul Hoover, “God’s Promises”

The rest is worth a look:))

Amplify’d from
I, the Lord, will make bar­ren

your fields and your fair­ways.

Your refrig­er­a­tors will be empty,

no steaks and no leg bones,

no but­ter and no corn­bread.

And I will remove your screen doors,

force the mos­qui­toes indoors

where you lie on the bed undead.

For my house you have not read­ied,

no flat screen and no broad­band.
I, the Lord, will make bar­ren

your fields and your fair­ways.

Your refrig­er­a­tors will be empty,

no steaks and no leg bones,

no but­ter and no corn­bread.

And I will remove your screen doors,

force the mos­qui­toes indoors

where you lie on the bed undead.

For my house you have not read­ied,

no flat screen and no broad­band.

My habi­ta­tion is a waste­land

of fur­ni­ture from motel rooms.

I will send the ostrich and bad­ger

in herds through your wrecked rooms;

your beds will be entered by turn­stile;

the floor will seethe with bees.

For my house is but a pre­fab;
For my house is but a pre­fab;

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