Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Remembering America's Iraq War 'Patriotic Opposition'

In the War on Terror, John Kerry had reversed the terms: Who was guilty of terrorism? It was American troops; the terrorists were on our side.

Amplify’d from
Well, given the president's tribute, I thought I'd pause to offer a summary of the loyal opposition. Herewith is an accounting of some of the statements made by these "patriots." Of course, this isn't a comprehensive list,
In his speech to the nation Tuesday night, President Obama offered a tepid acknowledgment to George W. Bush for his patriotism and love of country through the hellacious ordeal of the Iraq war -- made hellacious by the bilious criticisms leveled by unrelenting, vicious liberal Democrats. It was the weakest, emptiest form of appreciation, as Obama included Bush among two types of "patriots" during the Iraq debate, grouping him with the "patriots who opposed" the war.
I'll begin with Barack Obama himself, who, on Tuesday, failed to reiterate the "clear and unequivocal opposition" to the troop surge he had expressed directly to President Bush in a 2007 meeting -- i.e., the surge that even the New York Times and Washington Post conceded had turned around the conflict and made it winnable.
Particularly bothersome was Obama's August 2007 assessment of America's fighting men and women: "We've got to get the job done there [Iraq]. And that requires us to have enough troops so that we're not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians."
Obama's assessment reflected a genre mastered by Democrats during the Iraq campaign: namely, the brutal disparagement of our troops. Here, few surpassed the burst of patriotic fervor displayed by Obama's senate colleague from Illinois, Dick Durbin.

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